Footage we took of Tank performing at the album listening event for his upcoming album “Stronger”. The event was held in Harlem, NYC on 5/6/14 and Tank performed “Slowly”, “Next Breath”, “Please Don’t Go”, and “Maybe I Deserve”.
Tank Performing “Slowly”, “Next Breath”, “Please Don’t Go”& “Maybe I Deserve” Live at Album Listening Event 5/6/14
May 8, 2014 | Live Video

I am really excited to hear what he has in store! I’m glad to know that he won’t be trying to please urban radio. I think he’s a much better artist when he just gives us what he wants to give us vs. just trying to give us what he thinks we want to hear. I feel that Now or Never was most definitely his best album by far and if you guys say that this new album may be up there with that then I am def getting more excited!!!!