Here is another rare song from Da Bassment era. On this track, we hear a young Timbaland, Magoo and Static flowing to a beat that soon became Timbaland’s signature sound.
Some may recognize parts of this song as the both the verses and the hook were reused on future songs.
Can you name the songs that would later borrow parts of this song?
That first and last verse is from “Smoke In Da’ Air”
From Smoke In Da Air & Hello bonus from Shock Value. Man y’all gotta upload this shit as downloadable mp3s. But we gotta keep dis shit on da down low.
Why do we need to keep this on the down low? Lol
Cause y’all ain’t puttin up no download links. I’m thinkin’ yall gonna keep it to yaselves
We aren’t trying to keep it to ourselves, but if you notice, we never put up download links for anything. The reason for that is we have respect for the artists and will not give out links unless we are instructed to by the artist.
Damn, didn’t know how old the chorus from “hello” is.That’s crazy.