truth hurts addictive

Here is a list from Ms. Addictive, Truth Hurts. Follow her TruthHurtsInc and watch out for the new album coming soon. She’s been in the game for over 10 years and has worked with the likes of Dr Dre, DJ Quik, Rakim along with many others. Big thanks to Truth and her management for getting her list together for us!

#1 –Addictive

Reasoning: This was a breakout song, very innovative, and what people felt music needed at the time. It was a monumental moment where I was able to perform at the Bollywood Awards.  (Static wrote this song)

#2–The Watcher

Reasoning: The opportunity to work with two great idols Jay Z and Eminem

#3–Next To Me

Reasoning: This song most identifies my artist feel musically. It was a grown and sexy look for me.


Reasoning: New Sexy Era of Truth. A relationship inspired me to write this song based on a real life experience.


Reasoning: This was a breaking point from the recording of my first album. This song came out of an emotional moment.

#6– Lifetime

Reasoning: Raphael Saadiq produced and wrote this song. This song was precious to me because of a good friend past away after the song was written.

#7–The Truth

Reasoning:  This was written based on a true story and it was written just for me TRUTH HURTS.


Reasoning: It was written for Shanice, but it was a true story based on a current situation I was dealing with.


Reasoning: This song was based on a True Story.

#10—Ready Now

Reasoning: The album, “Ready Now” was a new era in my career as an independent artist.  I had the pleasure of working with Raphael Saadiq and put a lot of energy into this album. I truly learned a lot from past experiences in the industry dealing with my last album. Therefore, it was a new start, with a new identity (TRUTH), and new attitude.