Words by Edward T. Bowser, SoulInStereo.com
The whole world is riding a wave of nostalgia right now. Transformers and Ninja Turtles are blowing up bad guys in movie theaters; preteens are walking around with high-top fades for some ungodly reason; and even though Michael Jackson’s been in the ground since 2009, he has one of the best albums of the 2014.
So you can’t blame Jennifer Hudson for seeing an overcrowded market and saying “meeee too!”
Sorry for the obscure Simpsons reference. I told you I’ve been on my nostalgia kick.
J-Hud’s long been known as one of the biggest voices in R&B but on her new album – called, um, JHUD – she puts away the power ballads and turns back the clock.
She’s here to have fun.
Some of the biggest hits in the past two years have leaned heavily on classic R&B sounds. JHUD runs with that concept, immersing itself in R&B’s funk and disco past to create music that appeals to experienced listeners but feels fresh for younger fans.
For the full review, visit SoulInStereo.com
Can’t get enough of Edd? For more album reviews, relationship talk, pop culture news and Keith Sweat hero worship, visit SoulInStereo.com and follow him on Twitter @etbowser.