Half of y’all reading this review have given me grief over the years for being an old man trapped in a young man’s body.
Yeah, I’d rather drop stacks on Stacy Adams than the new J’s and I kinda look like George Jefferson on the dance floor. I don’t hit the Nae Nae. And y’all need to turn that stereo down after 9 p.m.! A brother has to get up early in the mornin’.
But having an old soul is more than just an excuse to complain. An old soul is a sign of wisdom.
Shaliek Rivers feels me.
Although he’s in his 20s, Shaliek possess vocals that are straight out of R&B’s glory days – and no, I’m not talking about the New Jack Swing Era. He sounds like a transplant from the era of Motown itself.
For the Full Review, Head Over to SoulinStereo.com
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