Maxine Ashley Somebody Else

Maxine Ashley makes her triumphant return with the brand new single “Somebody Else”. She puts a raunchy twist on a familiar song to create something of her own.

The original version of the song “You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else” was a hit by The Jones Girls in 1979 and produced by the legendary Gamble and Huff.

In the song, Maxine makes it clear that a new romance is the best way to get revenge becomes her top priority. From there, she finds solace in ’70s funk with a modern twist, resulting in an all too relatable anthem for people who are fed up and over being mistreated. She adds about the song:

“When I wrote ‘Somebody Else’ I was dating. It was like a constant game of cat and mouse: who’s going to text first, who’s going to ignore who the longest. It was so exhausting. I’m a super monogamist and I don’t believe in having multiple partners, so this song is my way of moving on and not getting too attached to one person – especially the wrong person.”

You can also check out the visual for the song which has just released to accompany the new single.