Syleena Johnson has officially announced her musical movie, Couples Therapy, will air on BET on March 30th at 8pm est! Syleena is starring in and produced this amazing project which features Leela James, Dave Hollister and Willie Taylor.. This film is a labor of love, based off her album, Chapter 6: Couples Therapy! In a recent interview, she described the movie to us:
The movie will take you through the visual part of what the album is saying. It’s like “Purple Rain” meets “Black Nativity”. It’s a full movie that’s 90 minutes with dialogue. It’s not like “Trapped in the Closet” at all. It’s not a musical like that, but it’s a full movie.
Scenes in the movie will play out just as the songs do on the album. So what inspired her to release the movie? She gave us further detail on that as well:
I just got tired of the old style of doing a single and making a video. I think the public gets tired of that too specifically because television doesn’t have video anymore like it used to. Stuff like the countdowns, they don’t have that as much anymore. I think because television and social media are changing, we have to change too. We have to evolve as well, so I wanted to do something I hadn’t done before.
This is exactly what R&B is missing! It’s fresh, innovative and tells a powerful story through music and film.