R&B veteran Sammie joined us on a recent edition of the SoulBack R&B Podcast, and had a lot to discuss. The singer is on the verge of releasing his fifth album “Everlasting” next week, and he took some time to share the inspiration behind the project.
In addition, Sammie had a lot to get off of his chest about being left off of the recently announced Millennium Tour. Despite being one of the most recognizable and successful artists from his generation, Sammie clues us in on why he was potentially left out.
Sammie also took some time to discuss the challenge artists like himself face when deciding on whether to make traditional R&B or chase a sound that is more commercial. He talks about how he was able to find a balance so that he has something for everyone.
Make sure to take a listen to the full podcast to hear Sammie talk about a lot more, and also be sure to check out all of our SoulBack R&B Podcasts as we have a special guest each week.