Editor Pick: Teedra Moses – R U 4 Real

Editor Pick: Teedra Moses – R U 4 Real

So we decided to go back and give Teedra’s free mixtape from a few months back another listen and WOW, we must have overlooked this song! We’ve actually been stuck on it for the past couple of days; can’t even get it out of our head. Can’t...
Editor Pick: Teedra Moses – R U 4 Real

Editor Pick: Teedra Moses – Winter 96

With so many good songs from her newly released “Royal Patience…A Love Journey” mixtape, it was really hard for me to select just one to post. However, “Winter 96” really stood out to me. It has a 90’s soul vibe to it and I was...
Editor Pick: Teedra Moses – R U 4 Real

New Mixtape: Teedra Moses – Royal Patience…A Love Journey

Teedra Moses has blessed up with a real treat this Valentine’s Day: a free mixtape of some of her brand new music! I’m not sure how Teedra has flown under the radar for all of these years, but after I listened to her debut album “Complex...