Jan 22, 2010
“Rearview Mirror” was Alicia Keys’ contribution to the Dr. Doolittle 2 soundtrack from 2001. If you haven’t heard of this song, it’s probably because it was released before Alicia would jump on the scene with her hit debut album. She...
Dec 31, 2009
Here are my top 25 favorite songs from 2009. Obviously this is just my opinion, and I expect other people’s opinion to be very different from mine. Would love to hear comments and what your favorite songs are from 2009! Counting down from #25….. #25 ...
Dec 11, 2009
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmZfi46AuJA Since I did a classic song for the other artists releasing an album this month, here is one for Alicia Keys. Although this was the fourth single released from her debut album “Songs in A Minor,” it was actually...
Dec 10, 2009
It’s pretty evident that right from the start upon her debut in 2001, Alicia Keys has been a star. From her first album “Songs in A Minor” which sold 12 million copies worldwide, to collaborations on other artists projects, to starring in movies, to charitable causes;...
Dec 7, 2009
Before her massive hit “Empire State of Mind” with Jay-Z, Alicia recorded a sequel to “New York State of Mind” with Nas & Rakim. A version of this song actually appears on her “Unplugged” album, but the studio version with the...